array_combine() is used to combine two arrays using one array as keys and the other as values.
array_combine() is used to combine two arrays using one array as keys and the other as values.
Checks if the given key or index exists in a PHP array.
array_map() applies a function to each element in an array.
Sets a limit and/or an offset on an array to extract a slice of the array. Works similar to an SQL statement that limits and offsets the data pulled from a database.
Rounds fractions up to the nearest whole number.
count() gets the number of all elements in an array.
empty() checks a variable to determine whether or not it contains something.
fgetcsv() parses the line it reads for fields in CSV format and returns an array containing the fields read.
Rounds fractions down to the nearest whole number.
fopen() opens a file or a URL in PHP.
implode() converts and array to a string with a specified separator.
in_array() checks an array to determine if a value exists.
Checks a given PHP variable to determine whether or not it is numeric.
Checks if a PHP variable is declared and is something other than null.
Returns information about a file path in PHP.
Displays human-readable information about a variable in PHP.
Returns the rounded value of a decimal number to the specified precision (number of digits after the decimal point). The specified precision may also be a negative or a zero.
Converts a string to a PHP array.
Gets the length of a string in PHP.
Converts a given string to lower case letters in PHP.